
Surveying the future

Demonstrate the quality of your skills and services to a wider audience and discover new opportunities.

Advancements in detection and location technology are revolutionising the field of utility surveying.

The parallel development of new standards provides a framework for the best survey providers to objectively quantify the quality of their work.

We at Utility Survey Exchange want to help introduce your skills and services to a wider audience, and at the same time improve the quality of as-laid Utility records currently in circulation.

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Your Challenges

Inaccurate and Incomplete as-laid Records

Utility as-laid records are often inaccurate or incomplete. This causes problems across the board for utility survey providers. Desktop searches are prone to error, and the reference data for on-site surveys of all levels provides an unsatisfactory starting point.

Recognising quality

The provisions of PAS128 and PAS256 are still widely misunderstood. It is difficult for the best organisations with a true commitment to quality and a deep understanding of the prevailing standards to differentiate their offerings.

Who should I tell?

You find on-the-ground discrepancies with as-laid utility records all the time. Yet there are no clear and simple mechanisms available for reporting these discrepancies back to the asset owners where they could make a difference.

How USX can benefit you

Grow your reputation and your market by demonstrating high-quality, high-accuracy survey data capture

Discover new opportunities for your services via published Survey Requirements

Drive the agenda for accurate utility data capture with absolute coordinates

Promote the understanding and adoption of PAS128 and PAS256

Report discrepancies and omissions back to asset owners with a click of a button

Be part of the future of asset location capture